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Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Card challenge at The Shoe!

come and play! today's challenge at If The Shoe Fits... Scrap It! was to do a cupcake card of sorts... we had FUN with it! we try to make our Shoe challenges different than the standard ones you might find around the blogosphere, and we love to mix it up! i seem to be on a circular card kick these days - here's my cupcake card:

i used lattebella, masked the cup of coffee and replaced it with a little cupcake. i love that she's so versatile!

i used the javabellas in a similar way for a challenge in a CafeMom group:

this time i masked their coffee cups and the vase of flowers on the table and drew out two little spoons and cut them out, using a sundae from a little Studio G set as the centerpiece. whatcha think?


  1. Love that first card! The polka-dot ribbon, lettering cut-outs and little cupcakes are precious!

  2. HEY PRETTY LADY! I've got your candy done! Will send it in the snailmail Monday or Tuesday :)


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