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Saturday, February 6, 2010

Basic Grey Junebuggy goodness

for this week's BasicGrey Challenge, a sketch that had me inspired the second i laid eyes on it!

of course, BasicGrey products must be incorporated into the project, and JuneBug is my latest obsession (which is odd, as i tend to gravitate more toward lines such as Obscure and Recess and Periphery)... there are JuneBug papers and rub-ons in this one (plus my fave Penny Black image, some glittery alphas from WalMart - HA! - and bits and bobs from the dollar store and my stash):

and it's based on this sketch by Martine:

told you i'd be back! and i'm not finished yet, so there may be yet ANOTHER post from this Orange gal! xo


  1. beautiful! that trim coordinates really well!

  2. Great papers Leah! And I love that little hedgie! I use to have a couple of pet pygmy hedgehogs! Awesome card!

  3. so cute!!! I love that little hedgehog.

  4. So very cute!! I didn't get a lick of scrapping done today, and I even had the Dollies trifeca on my list.

    But.... I did add a whole bunch of goodness to my Esty store and reorganized the direction of it. So... since you are my biggest fan, wanted you to know first. LMK what you think! I'd love the feedback for the new look. xo D.

  5. This is so colourful and happy card!
    Have great weekend!

  6. Wow you have been on a roll! This is such a cute summery fresh card! I love him!!

  7. LOVE this -so bright and cheery. Your use of Junebug is great-these papers can be harder to use than the paler ones, and you've done it so well.

    Thanks for joining us at BG Challenges,

    Anthea & the BG Challenges Team :)

  8. Girlie, you rocked that sketch! Love all the yummies you put into your card! That Penny Black image is sweet!
    Kim xXx

  9. Oh Leah! This is too stinkin' cute!!! Love the delish papers! And that little hedgie is cute cute cute!!!! Great job!

  10. great take on the sketch!! Love the fabby bright colours and the glittery letters! Hugs Juls

  11. oof--yes--i'd not have immediately thought JUNEBUG=LEAH...but it's got loads of bright color, and it's totally fun & a bit ok, yeah, i get it! plus, the results are inarguable, witness this gorgeous, textural, fun, fab sketch card! ♥

  12. Serious DROOL going on here!

  13. Awesome! I did this sketch too...posting it next time I blog. Loved the sketch, love your take!


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