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Wednesday, September 22, 2010

200 followers candy!

yeah, i'm goin' for it! feelin' lucky, feelin' excited about a lot of things, and feelin' grateful for my friends here in the Blogosphere!

i'm posting this at 10:55 pm on Saturday, August 28th, aiming for 200 followers, and if/when i get there, i'm going to give away a bunch of goodies.

you can comment here if you like, especially if you're a NEW follower, but i'm going to be watching for future comments too, to weed out the candy-hunters. :D

the first treat - a Cosmo Cricket 6x6 Mini Deck (Early Bird)
the second treat - a K & Company mat stack (Citronella)
the third treat - Cosmo Cricket Blackboard mini album (Kate's Album - scalloped)
the fourth treat - Pink Paisley press ons (Pop Fashion Accents, black)

no need to post on your blog or anything (although it might help me get there faster!) - all you have to do is claim to like me!


  1. Leah, you always put a smile on my face...candy hunters HAHAHA...I am finally back in the blogosphere and I come back to you...hoping to get back to the Dollies too, oh how I miss you guys so MUCH!! Well are wonderful and i am sure you will hit 200 before you know it!

  2. You ROCK Leah! You'll get past 200 for sure with all that talent oozing out of you. Always inspiring creations and hilarious uplifting posts. So I can't wait to see what craftiness you have in store for us on a regular basis. Hugs, Maria

  3. after living with you in the dollhouse for a few months- of course i love you!! mwah xo congrats on your followers darl xo

  4. Leah just had to say how much I like that picture at the top of your post. I am not a bright colour person but that piccie took my eye!! Jill x

  5. ha ha... claim to like you! How could we not!

  6. Oh geez ma'am that is gonna be hard....liking you, hmmmm. I guess I could - bwahahahahahah, Just kiddin' I wubs ya xoxo

  7. Wow, congrats on so many... I'm still working on 40! :-)

  8. Love that pic.....the candy is awesome!!!! Awwww...claim to like you....we love you!!!! :-)

  9. Hey there girlie girl, you will be at 200 in no time, thanks for the chance to win, stop over at my blog I have candy too!!

  10. Thats great Leah! Congrats when you hit 200!

  11. Hey Leah,

    So generous of you to offer up some candy. And almost 200 followers, I have 5 or 6!

  12. ok it was love at first site on that chilly am in rochester heading for ckc. lol read or look for you everyday and love the stuff you do. take care and good luck on the job , hope you get it.
    love ya, e

  13. Well of course I'm an avid follower, and you know I love ya, so why shouldn't everybody else? Won't take long at all!

  14. This is exciting! You will totally get there because you rock and your blog rocks!!! I'll help spread the word!

  15. Oh Leah many thanx for the chance to win your yummie candy! it's always great to visit your blog!


  16. Well, I guess I could TRY... haha xxx
    You'll have no trouble at all hitting the big 2-0-0

  17. I claim to luffff ewe :)

  18. Lots of love here and Sept 22nd is going to be a very special day for at least 2 people.

  19. Yup, I'm a new follower but I think I will be back! :D Congrats on making the DT for Make it Crafty!!! Can't wait to see what you come up with!

  20. Well, if that picture of candy doesn't make somebody drool, I don't know what will! I'm an "old" follower...but you already know that! You never fail to make me laugh Leah..."claim to like me"??? No claiming here rock!!(you'll be hitting that 200 mark in no time!!)

  21. I like ya Leah! love checkin you out at Townscrapper and other DT's.

  22. Well I showed up on your blog because I wanted to comment on your card for Charisma, it cracked me up! Then I see the picture at the top of your blog for blog candy and I must say, I was a bit disappointed that that wasnt what you were giving away, that would be awesome, holy smacks bring on the diabetic coma, and thats just from the picture. I am a follower now, and oh yes I will be back, oh yes, lol.

  23. HI!
    i'm a new follower of your blog!
    definitely you have some great work here!
    good luck on reaching 200 followers =)
    have a great weekend!

  24. Just stopping by to say CONGRATS to you. I am so thrilled for you and the new job...whoo hoo!

  25. If I can peel myself away from that photo (drool) I'm going to tell you that I read your tutorial on the card file on SNR Weekly Shout Out and I love it. I've been wanting to do something similar for my mom, who needs help organizing her bills and whatnot. I thought If I could make a pretty storage box/file for them, she might keep better track of them. I've been putting off the project while I mull over just how to do it. This is so close to what I want, it's now the official trigger! Looking forward to perusing old posts and reading new ones. Thanks for the inspire.

  26. I cannot believe I wasn't a folllower yet, but I am now!! Good luck hitting your 200! :-D

  27. Ok, so somehow I had your page saved in my favs but I wasn't signed up to follow even though I was?....DUH! to me! Of course I love your crafty self! How could I not?

  28. Hey Leah! Just became a follower. I love your blog, very inspiring. will be back often.

  29. Hi Leah - I'm an official follower now - though I've been one of your fans for a while now and you always leave such lovely comments on my blog - thanks - you rock!

  30. Hey Leah the Orange, thanks for giving me your blogspot addy! I'm officially a follower, though I've been a fan for a while! I think I'm #165, so good luck and I hope you make 200 soon! Woot woot! LOL

  31. Oh, how I miss you... but it's sooooo nice to back in CANADA!


  32. Great candy! Thanks for the chance to win!!
    Hopefully you will have 200 followers soon!

    Greetings, Judith

  33. Hey, Leah. *waving* I've finally got off my butt and I'm now a follower. And the candy had nothing to do with it!

  34. can't belive I didn't tell you here in this here post that um.... mirror mirror on the wall... well you know the rest babe... hugs...xxoo

  35. Congrats on 170+ but i'm sure it will soon be much more!I'm already a follower & I've posted a link/pic of your giveaway on my blog.

  36. Amazing Candy thanks for the chance I've added a link in my side bar and congrats on all the followers :)
    hugs Nikki

  37. Leah, you are fabulous and I "like" you ;)

  38. Only 19 more to go until you reach the big 200. I've been a follower for months because you are simply fab. Good luck.

  39. Leah i love your blog and you should be at 2,000,000 followers by now!!!

  40. Hello! Thanks for the chance to win a wonderful sweet:) I am pleased to become a follower 185, and 200 is very close already. You have a very beautiful work!
    Best wishes, Natasha:)
    Link on the right blog sidebar

  41. thanks for the chance to win I'm lovin your blog! I think I'll stick around for a minuet ;)
    your on my sidebar

  42. I totally thought I was already a follower- well, I am now!!

  43. ONLY 200? You're gonna have to up that number, girl! :)

  44. I really enjoyed reading about you via Mod Podge Rocks! And LOVED your accordion file you made! Keep the ideas and creative juices following for all of us that want to ride on your coat tails!

  45. LOL, Love it Leah.... you rock. And you know I follow... just don't always have the time to comment on a regular basis. I feel bad about that. :( Take care girly!

  46. I've just become a new follower! I actually came over from the SEI blog, so although I love candy, I also visit a lot of people often whether they have candy or not! :-) It looks like you made your goal! Congrats!

  47. I'm a new follower, trying to help you get there! I'm 3 away from 100 so I understand your excitement!!!


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