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Monday, February 1, 2010


okay, a VERY quick post as i'm wrapping up my workday and heading over to my inlaws' house soon!

some little things to share.

1) the happy mail i received today - (L) Recycle-It challenge win from Die Cut Dreams Challenge Blog, and (R) Nick Hornby book, blog candy from Cecelia - thank you Cee and Susie!

2) the cards i was supposed to make at the Prismacolors "CLASS" yesterday:

note: these are laid out mostly as they showed us in "class", with a couple of exceptions, as i was a rebel and stamped in the wrong colour, as well as die-cutting something which was supposed to have been left rectangular - maybe i'll post what i'm REALLY going to make with these later. i did not stamp the sentiments they'd "suggested". Lauren and i failed. do you think the images they selected were the best to demonstrate with Prismacolor pencils (had there been an actual demonstration, that is)? OH, and the best part was that we were given ONE envelope. for four cards. mathematically challenged!

3) the stuff i bought whilst shopping after "class" yesterday, with the illustrious (and deliciously complicated) Lauren:

close ups:

the two black and white sheets are actually the same paper, just fabulously double-sided. do you see that yummy orange transparency peeking through? and OMG, classic camera BRADS!

i was in My Little Shoebox alpha heaven! and check out those classic typewriter key paper clips! bargain bin at Staples - Lauren and i found ONE package and congenially agreed to share. thanks, mah sistah!

3) my "parting gifts", which were bestowed immediately upon setting foot into her kitchen (except the fancy trims and bag o'buttons, which were carefully selected prior to our calling it a day):

awesome old tarot cards, card game bits, and a very special selection in the front row just for ME!

gedda look at those Canadian coins and that little piece of map puzzle in the front, foreign dictionary pages, old sheet music, and fish and elephant draw-rings! WOOT!

i nearly wept when i saw her beloved MONSTA paper! and you have my permission to DROOL over that awesome aged paper - it feels WONDERFUL, too!

for a bunch of stuff that looks like random bits you'd get in a kit, believe me when i say that it is OBVIOUS she went through and tore out specific pages and pulled cards JUST for me. SO thoughtful! thank you, lovely friend Lauren, for a great day out, many laughs and INTELLIGENT conversation, artery-clogging scrum, and for letting me dig through your stinky old buttons for treasure! :)



  2. Hey chickie dee, I'm right there with Kristy, DROOL!!!!!
    Kim xXx

  3. Holy dooley... I bet you're in scrappy heaven!!! Better cover it up so it doesn't get all wet with the drooling. Lucky girl, can't wait to see what you create with some of those goodies.

  4. Such a funny post....guess you didnt like the "class" much then? Hmmmmm 1 envelope????


    Mind you the stash more than made up for the class!!


  5. Oh wow lucky rebelious you!! I agree looks like scrap heaven!!!

  6. You totally make me want to go shopping RIGHT NOW! I love all your goodness! Plus, your blog is seriously the cutest thing ever. Love it.

  7. what gorgeous gorgeous crafting goodies...can't wait to see what you will make with them! Hugs Juls

  8. Okay so jealous. Cant' see straight. I wish I could have went with you guys. All that stuff is amazing!! I love those little letter stickers. The pink ones. Those buttons *drool* too. All of it. Wowsers. Yes Lauren and her paper stash. Its great. Glad you guys had fun.

  9. Ooh, look at all that scrumptious ephemera! You know, if you make the trek to CKC you can come see all my junk drawer type stuff...and maybe I'll share a bit! ;)

  10. you are very VERRRRRRRRRRRY welcome & ta v much backatcha for a fabbbbb day out!!! ♥♥♥♥♥


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